Project Brief 1: Self Portrait

Corey Lisle


Project Brief 1_Lofi Media Self-Portrait

Piece of text

A rant I sent to my friend Ben, after he asked why I was so distraught at the thousands of IMDB user’s unfairly giving Alexander G. Inarritu’s Birdman a one star review. I was strangely proud of it, I think unfairly reviewing a piece of art should be an international crime.

“It’s not the fact that they hold this negative opinion, as it would be impossible for a film to truly please everyone. It’s the fact that I know that after they post such a biased, idiotic and exaggerated attempt at a review, they are going to then go see their friends in some boring, generic restaurant. It’s here that they’ll rant and rave about how they are the controversial messiah of their generation, how they have more merit as a reviewer than critics who have spent their entire lives watching films waiting for that moment they can see something like this and rediscover why they do what they do. They’ll walk around thinking they actually have the slightest grasp on what a good film is when in reality they are just a sad, idiotic audience member, who couldn’t stand the shame of having a piece of artistic brilliance soar right over their feeble little head.”


Image 1: My Dodgeball team victory photo

This image, taken after my work Dodgeball team came runner up in the Grand Final, not only demonstrates how much I love competitive sport, but also the quirky and awesome friends that I can always look forward to seeing whenever I pull into work.

Dodgeball (1)

Image 2: Freeway

Whilst all the other images are reflecting things that I love, this is something I undoubtedly hate. Reflects my love of people, where something as mundane and industrial as a freeway is the antagonist of this.

Freeway (1)


Image 3: Village Cinemas in Doncaster

Village Cinemas in Doncaster, as my loved part time job, reflects my love of film, a passion that has only increased as I’ve grown older.



Image 4: Bulleen Football Oval

The reason I have included the football oval here is it’s connotations with Australian childhood, specifically my own. A place where relationships were established and cherished.

Oval (1)


Video 1: Covering ‘Flume’ by Bon Iver with Saska

Saska and I have been dating for 16 months, and she has become a massive part of my life and the way I see myself as a person. The multiple mistakes I make on playing simple guitar chords also reflects me quite accurately, I believe.

Video 2: Driving to my Grandmother’s 

Driving to my father’s mums house upon her being diagnosed with Parkinson’s, a devastating moment for my entire family.

 Voice Recording 1: A conversation with Issy

This is a recording of a conversation with Issy, my delightfully innocent friend, upon which I convince her that there is a sinister meaning to Train’s Drop’s of Jupiter. I’ve chosen it due to the way it reflects my love of messing with my friends.


Voice Recording 2: A Star Wars Rant

This was a voice message that I sent to a friend of mine, Matthew, who, like me, loves Star Wars a little bit too much. It was in regards to the racist backlash against an African American appearing in the teaser trailer for The Force Awakens.


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