Better Late Than Never! Week 5 Readings!

I know this blog is a little late, something happened to get in the way… LIFE! but isnt that why we’re here? IS THIS NOT THE ESSENCE OF OUR STUDIES!? But I digress.

OKAY KIDDOS! LISTEN UP! After being without internet access/a computer for several days (post-procrastination), my blog is back, and with a vengeance! So sit back, relax, and prepare yourself for what is most definitely too many blog posts for one night!
Let’s begin with the long overdue response to the week 5 readings! Beautiful. Powerful. Inspiring. And somewhat relevant. To me this piece really ddelineated the importance of photography as a text we use in modern day society, and how we’ve come to take it for granted. Many of us will see and walk pass hundreds, if not thousands of images every day without so little as a second glance, yet despite this, photography has still remained key in influencing media today, and remains prevalent in society.  It’s true, a picture speaks a thousand words, but in a lot of pictures these words are either rubbish, repeated or irrelevant. But for that one in a million, the diamond in the rough, the light in the dark of pictures, a fluent, coherent and meaningful essay is constructed in just a single frame. Having been desensitised to so much and ignoring so many supposedly important texts each day, for a single photograph to have such an effect really speaks for itself, in terms of how powerful imagery can be. Whether it be a staged photograph, a snapshot of a moment, a propaganda cartoon or a painting encapsulating one’s ideals in a heroic light, pictures have the power to change peoples’ lives, inform, communicate meaning and sharing someone’s point of view, even battles, whether they be personal, intellectual or literal.

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