How About Them Week 4 Readings, huh?

By knowing how sound works, you can gain a higher understanding of how to manipulate and use it to your advantage in media production. At least that is what I gathered from the readings.
Moving past the intricacies of this weeks readings, the parts that really  stuck with me mostly highlighted the importance of sound in all mediums that incorporate it, and the lesson that all budding media students should take from this is to ensure us to not underestimate its affects. In stating it’s importance, the texts go on to elaborate on the affects that it can yield; immersing the listener into new environments via harmonic ambiance, focus their sense of direction to sound and bring or detract focus from the spoken word/singing, or even control how the listener feels with inflections within music. ISN’T SOUND FUN!?
Having had to focus on sound production in previous works at school, I thought I had a relatively decent understanding of sound in film, at least for my level of working anyway, but following the readings and the lecture this week I’ll be sure to pay extra attention to my use of sounds and what elements I employ in any and all further projects. Good job, sound, thanks for being so dandy.

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