Week 3 Happy Fun Class Time!

This weeks class really got me thinking about the readings again, putting them in a new light and realizing the deeper implications of Gauntlett’s texts. Not only did the whole “learn through/with media rather than about it” begin to hit home a bit more, it also gave me another thought, a daunting thought, a horrying thought, one that embedded itself into my mind… “YOU NEED TO POST MORE BLOGS!”.
Not only is it crucial to that whole passing thing, or whatever, but what better way to learn than trial and error via observation!?…Well, actual practical practice would do quite nicely, but in the meantime this shall suffice. Although… it was nice to get behind a camera again and see what oddities I could come up this time. Remember kids! Experimentation can lead to new knowledge and artistic freedom!… or leave you in a gutter without your shoes and no clear memory of the night before, but let’s move past that!

I’ve really loved beginning filming and editing again; seeing what works and what doesn’t, then feeling joy when you find the right shot and time it right with another in post. It reminded me why I took this course in the first place, it reignited my love for the craft and the feeling of satisfaction in creating a piece of work that I can hopefully one day be proud of, or, as a worst case scenario, use its failures as another step in my education. Can’t wait to see how the final product turns out! best get back to it then!


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