Disposal Blog #9

Whilst the project offered its own set of challenges and frustrations it offered me something that I’m rather grateful for; the opportunity to get out with an idea in mind and actually create something – to ‘work in the field’ as well as behind the scenes, both collaboratively and solo. With every experience I gain through projects like this I come to learn more about the industry, how to work and compose myself within in, and arguably most important; who I am as a creator, my styles, as well as my own personal goals and interests. But I could not have done this alone, not in a 100 years. The outcome of this project as well as all I have achieved this semester is all thanks to collaborative work with the members of the ‘Box’ studio. So, to Paul and all of my classmates, Cheers. It’s been a blast this semester, I wish you all the best, and I hope to see you and work with you in the future. – Cody.

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