Disposal Blog #6: Beginning Editing

Of course no major project is without its own learning curves and issues. Prior to getting into the deeper parts of editing I had to research and learn new title animations and ensure they fitted the styling. Although I got there in the end, there is only so much amateur how-to videos someone can handle before saying ‘stuff it’ and figuring out the rest through trial and error. Got that all done? Sweet, time to move onto the next problem. Remember those chaotic harsh winds at Cape Paterson? Well they’ve come back with a vengeance, because now all dialogue is inaudible. “but Cody” you say, “you should have prepared for this and recorded with a mic sock!”. Oh but we did. Not only that but we also recorded wild lines in case the need for dubbing arose (like now!)…however, they seem to have gone missing. Will keep posted, I need to go look for them now.

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