Disposal Blog #5: Night Shoot

Whilst it was fun, the night shoot turned out to be a major signifier of the downsides of working in film: not finishing until 3AM, we had essentially worked for 22 hours straight. By the end of it we had done it all; issues with fire, mood setting with fog machines, extreme fatigue, Bunnings adventures, even becoming covered in fake blood (which made for an interesting Uber ride home having to explain we’re not murderers). Suffice to say, if we were to do it again I would recommend A LOT more planning in order to spread the shoot out over two or more days, but then again I have to take schedules into consideration – such as what we experienced: with everyone having vastly different timetables between uni and work, we had no other option but to attempt to cram it all into one night. Thankfully, almost miraculously, we were able to pull it off (for the most part anyway).

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