Media and Creative Writing Masterclass Experience.

Okay, due to a messed up time schedule the next few blog posts are going to be a wee bit out of order, but oh well, I’ll get there.  (why am I writing like anyone’s reading? Stuff it, here goes).
Suffice to say, yesterday’s masterclass with the Creative Writing students was certainly interesting to say the least. It was genuinely fascinating to see into the world of script-writing and how peoples writings’ are then developed and further adapted until a final goal in their product is achieved. But unfortunately to me and quite a few fellow students it was nothing more than that. Don’t get me wrong, having Robyn Winslow come in and share her journey regarding her most recent writing success was absolutely fantastic, and she seemed to be brilliant (genuinely, reading those scripts was fascinating. Felt cool to actually hold a legitimate script, being all formal and fancy and whatnot), it’s just that I don’t believe that the masterclass was aimed at the media students at all. This is understandable though, after all she IS a writer, not a media practitioner, but still, very little of it seemed relevant to us in the media faculty. Whilst it may have been, (don’t want to say a waste of our time), less productive and constructive as we had thought it may have been, regardless I had a blast.

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