
Who is the practitioner and when were they practicing?

Ethan and Hila Klein, together under the banner of H3H3, are LA based YouTubers. The two have a great variety of videos spanning several years, from vlogs, criticisms, reviews, and skits. The two currently run a podcast in which they talk with celebrities weekly.

With the video you are examining, when was it produced?

The video was uploaded to YouTube on the 26th August, 2016

How was the photo or video authored

To keep the shoot light and easy to move around, the two simply used a DSLR camera with a Rode shotgun mic attachment – being their go-to for filming. It was then majorly edited in post, including bts footage, and stylised with the addition of music.

How was the photo or video published

The video was published solely on YouTube, with links to their social media accounts for further coverage.

How was the photo or video distributed?

The video was distributed through YouTube, but due to their broad connectivity was able to gain mass attention through their social media accounts promotions of the video – blowing up on Facebook, as well as gaining notoriety on Instagram and twitter.


H3H3 is a prime example on the evolution of video blogging in the age of YouTube and social media; having to rapidly change to audiences wants. This highly evident in the changing nature of their videos – shifting from their skit-based comedy and rants, to drawn-out podcasts with celebrity collaborations.

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