Praise Be Unto Media

Wowee! What a week we’ve had. The pitches were a resounding success; the projects that everyone pitched were fantastic, and the support that everyone had for one another’s ideas was even more so. (although the pleasant demeanour may have been due to the presence of food. It usually helps.)
The ‘Last Afternoon Tea’ on Thursday allowed us to talk further on the pitches, form groups, offer ideas and support, and wrap up loose ends from the Tuesday. Now, with everyone somehow seemingly mixed in with multiple groups and collaborations, we were ready to roll, but not so quickly, there was still much to do and little time to do it in. with pre-production now consisting of trial shoots we will have to be both concise and time-efficient with little room for error during production.
These projects are our children, we wish to see them flourish, so let’s get out there and make them sons of pitches!
(warning:keep an eye on Paul)

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