Box AT2 Part 2


Okay, so originally thought that my idea of a quick/smash cut of me washing the dishes was a dull yet interesting task to take on. I was wrong. Because next up was making the bed! Now this was interesting as that choice of concept went out the window, however interpretation was completely subject to will. We have our subject and topic, but how do we portray it? How do we add style? For this I chose I more comedic route not dissimilar to Edgar Write or that of Monty Python, (being major influences), in that I intended to use an almost musical sense of comedic timing, thus I had to pair it with a more comedic structure and style. But intention and timing is not enough as that the feel of a shot is greatly tied to its cinematography paired with its editing (timing). The opening  has a slower pace in terms of establishing the subject (rather than timing), and so a greater focus is given to the character and the subject at hand (the bed), establishing a relationship between the two. Once the strenuous relationship is established it comes to focus on the characters’ struggle, thus the POV and following reaction shots. Previously I had freedom. But now I was constricted. However, before I found the freedom to be overwhelming. What do I do when given so many opportunities? Yet once I knew what task I faced, I found it easier to concentrate and focus on a singular task; thinking ‘within the box’, but pushing its limits.

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