PB4 Blog Post 2


Remember when you were a little kid and you went to go do a drawing? You know what you’re doing, you’re pumped, you’re primed and ready to go. You think to yourself “oh boy, I’m going to draw the best truck ever!” then after what seems hours toiled away at work, a parent comes along and says “awesome looking turtle!”. Remember that feeling? There are two ways you can take this. Option 1: “NO! IT’S CLEARLY A TRUCK, LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE! IT’S A TRUUUUCK!”, or option 2: “dang. I guess it is a pretty swell turtle”. Now, I’m not saying that this production has gone as far astray as turtles from trucks, BUT… It has become evident that clearly things don’t work out quite as expected in every way, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Were we able to fully replicate the stylisation we were going after? Not quite, but nonetheless, what we did achieve was what I view as a fairly clear parody of it. Admittedly our organisation has not been the best so far. Plans sat on the table for weeks as the due date drew closer, and little had been done: it seems as though the vast majority of this piece has been produced in a mad rush, and it shows in the work. Again, by no means is that a bad thing though. That’s how we’ve come up with the best things within the piece. Hours could be spent sitting down trying to make a script and still not compare to what’s written in a half hour brainstorm. I think this video has helped us realise how we all work; hard, fast and better engaging as a team (for the love of god please don’t take that sentence out of context). The script and skeleton of the video was made in a rush, so why not the video itself? Maximise the cheapness! What better way to make something look bad than actually being bad at it? Ironically enough, in failing to achieve the original vision, we became bad at being bad, but what we made was still successfully ‘bad’… are we idiots or geniuses? This is only the ‘halfway’ point, so I guess only time will tell.
Jokes and learning experiences aside,  it’s been fantastic being able to work as a group again with a common goal as well as a sense of humour. Working in the studios for the first time was a thrill, as well as a little overwhelming with the future potential for the space and what uses we’ll have for it. Suffice to say, I look forward for more.

We may have gone off the beaten track so far, but hopefully we’ll still reach our destination.

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