Assessment Task 1 Reflection

Strangely enough I think that both the scene that worked well and the scene that needed improvement were one and the same; being the scene in which we reveal Emily to be swapped out for Adrian. The reason for why it didn’t work I think was mostly due to the fact didn’t and couldn’t prepare for it and it’s subsequential tonal shift. Had we had known of Emily leaving prior to filming we could have worked around it more or at the very least shot the short in a similar light and humour to the shift. On the other hand I believe it quite aptly displayed our style of humour, being nonchalant left of field quirks, and for that I believe such a stark and sudden change in the scene worked in our favour. However, if we were to approach this film again, despite its length, better planning and an idea of how we wanted to look would be preferable.

One thought on “Assessment Task 1 Reflection”

  1. There were definitely some strengths to your video – I think the setup worked quite well and you definitely injected some quirkiness to it. More time would definitely help – what would you use it for? Learning lines, shooting more alternatives, setting the tone – this is an important question to ask to help your practise throughout the rest of this studio.

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