On Your Marks, Get Set, Write!

Sometimes it’s good to put your hand up for things you normally wouldn’t, it may allow you to gain more knowledge or experience or at least shed some light on a matter you previously weren’t too clear on… So that’s what I did! Sorta.
Following last weeks tutorial a group of us along with Jeremy took our class’s brief to the writing students to pitch our ideas* and guidelines as well as answer any questions they had, and what came up was quite surprising. Seeing how keen and inquisitive they were only made me more excited to begin work on their writing and storyboard and shoot it. It was also rather nice to see how many of them were keen on acting or least appearing in the works (something which would certainly help us; 1) saves us from having to find so many other people, and 2) who knows the script better? at least you’d hope they know it).

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