Annotated Bibliography Visual Part 4 (Soz)

FINAL BIBLIOGRAPHY POST, sorry for the clutter, everyone.

The Reinforcement Theory

This article and video focuses Joseph Klapper’s Reinforcment theory, explain and going into depths of its inception as well as its implementation in history, showing how it continues to be relevant in modern day society and how it has come to remain has as a dominant theory in the world of media and communications, stating that even now if “you find yourself nodding in agreement when you watch a news or current affairs program, it’s probably the Reinforcement Theory in action”, thus showing a professional within the industry to still share the beliefs and theories of Klapper, proving it to be relevant to current media form and attitudes.

Akin to my research into the Hypodermic Needle/Magic Bullet Theory, I delved into previous working with communication theories to find this article and containing video on the Reinforcement Theory to serve as the main counterargument for statements on the Bullet Theory itself. Again, due to it being a source I am familiar with, I trusted it to be reliable, also due to that it comes from a heralded site frequently used by several educators in Australia. Subsequently it came to serve as the basis for my following arguments in my closing statements, driving the contention of the passive audience being impossible to exist in the modern day world.

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