Annotated Bibliography Visual Part 2 (fascinating read actually)


Hypodermic Needle Theory.

In collaboration with one another these two sources (being linked to each other) identified  and explained they key elements of the Hypodermic Needle/Magic Bullet theory, as well as showing its major uses (whom it was used by), examples of its use, as well as showing the period in which it was most popular. Being attained from the RMIT library as well as being able to be found via a simple google or youtube search, not only did this source present itself as not only a valuable and reliable source, but a popular one too, having a large view count on Youtube showing it to be trusted. Anecdotally I remember the very same video being shown for my VCE Media course, and so in recognition of this I came to trust it.


In conjunction with one another the two aforementioned links as one served as a great source of information in forming the bulk of my argument for a passive audience. It was this which started off my main body and further allowed me to then go on to counter said argument  with the opposing theories, such as the Uses and Gratification Theory as well as the Reinforcement Theory.

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