Annotated Bibliography Visual Part 1


Audiences Defining and Researching Screen Entertainment Reception’
Ian Christie;jsessionid=5E275316578327C6B90CBADEF3ACDC1F?tabs=viewOnlineTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=RMIT_ALMA5160048250001341&indx=8&recIds=RMIT_ALMA5160048250001341&recIdxs=7&elementId=7&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=2&vid=RMITU&dscnt=0&vl(freeText0)=audiences&dstmp=1461908241417
This text delivers a complex understanding of how audiences work and their responses to various mediums, particularly focusing on television and other visual based mediums of the modern age, showing the transition of the media of yesteryear to the state of our current day consumers.  The Acknowledgments of the text states that” audiences are an essential yet often neglected part of the audiovisual scene” to which became a key focal point in shaping our arguments around the prospects of a passive audience.
Whilst the text is lesser drawn on for example in the construction of my main body points of my arguments, it was still crucial in influencing my arguments to come in reference to other texts.  IN terms of authenticity I viewed this to be a respectable source for the presentation as that it was acquired via the RMIT online library. Whilst the relevancy of such is subjective, I personally found it to be a great help, albeit a lengthy read, in the creation of my essay and the standpoint of my arguments, attempting to remain unbiased but observing, drawing on factual evidence rather than personal opinion or claim.


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