Week 11 class.

I won’t lie, that class got me worried. With the impending due date for PB4 coming faster and faster in its approach, I was a tad worried. After handing in what was admittedly not the greatest rough cut of the audio essay, I was quite frankly shitting bricks. I hadn’t done enough and there wasn’t much time to fix what had been done. But it wasn’t as bad as I had thought. Yes it wasn’t the worst thing ever, but it was a starting point for us. in having a third party view what we had done we were able to realize what was needed to be done; separately the three of us had created what seemed like 3 body paragraphs of an expository essay, so why not complete it as such, and work together to create an intro and complete this shiznit. We were behind and had poor communication, but after that class we slightly more ahead than before with somewhat more decent communication. We were on the rise.

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