Must stay awake. to. blog….

God damn. So it’s 3 in the morning as I write this and I’ve just returned home from seeing the midnight screening of Captain America: Civil War. To not be a total turd and spoil the movie I won’t be talking about the movie itself, but rather the experience of it.
I absolutely loved tonight. Everything about it just felt magical. The buzz in the air as people queued to buy their food, the electric anticipation of the audience as they restlessly seated themselves, even the cheers from the crowd as the lights began to dim. There was so much love and care on either sides of this project, from the millions who adored the film, to those who spent countless hours to see their dreams come to life. It helped remind me of why I chose this course (not that I needed a reminder). I want to further become involved in projects the likes of this in hope that one day I can enter a cinema and pass by people dressed as their favorite characters, eyes glued to the screen in awe, and see how something I created could make someone happy. To be able to look back and say “Hell yeah I made that.” Without intent to sound like a fanboy here, but its one of the reasons I love the Marvel films – they do have their flaws, yes, but they’re dedicated to their audience. They have fun with their films and in turn so do we.
It makes you appreciate the power and the effect that cinema has over people. It can appall us, excite us, influence, drive us, educate us or entertain us. This stuff is nifty. All hail film!… and sleep. Which I’ll try to get now…. took too long to write thisobvlnc.;s.v……

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