Being a Team Player

One statement today in our lecture struck me harder than anything else that was said for the entire day; “look around you, it’s best to make a good impression now because these are likely the people that you will be working with”*. The more I thought about it, the more excited I was and the more daunting it became. For now it’s very easy to have the typical student mentality going on, focusing on whats happening now, planning for the future, but not actually fully thinking as to what that future holds. I gave a cheeky glance around the room and looked into the faces of everyone that I could see. What were these people like? Could I do well by them? Could they do well by me? Will I work with them, or will I never see them again? Will I come to dislike some of them, or will they become my best friends? It’s impossible to tell right now, we’re only a few months into the course and still have years to come, so I can’t say I know the answers to these questions yet. However, what I can say which I know is certain, is that without a doubt, in some way or another, the next three years of my life will heavily involve you all. We will all have our (hopefully minimal) bad moments, but it’s in this time we will also have our greatest; experiences and memories which will come to shape who are, who we become, how others see us, and the rest of our lives.

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