Fellow students. The posts are coming.
Far too long have I remained idle on this bless’d site, withdrawing mine tongue from the proscenium which is your gaze.
I have been told that the posts of my past have been known to resemble short stories-novels, making Tim Winton shiver in fear of rivalry. I would accept the challenge but after having read and way too closely analysed Cloudstreet, I want to be as far away from him as possible.
We were told today that we must broaden our horizons on our blogs; stray away from the norms of yesterday to which we’ve been adhering to and change up our formats – short posts (no), long posts (more likely), POSTS WITH PICTURES! All on a myriad of subjects. (Just some forewarning, in the event that I do post an image or GIF, which will become more frequent, they will likely progressively become weirder.)
And so I must do this! Starting tonight!.. well, it’s late and I’m a little tired.. Tomorrow morning! – wait, I have class… STARTING TOMORROW SOMEWHERE BETWEEN MIDDAY AND LATE AFTERNOON UNTIL I HAVE TO GO BACK INTO THE CITY, I will start my soon to be infamous blogging journey.
All I ask is that no one issues a restraining order due to the content of my posts, please. From time to time they may be concerning but there’s no reason to alert the authorities. Not that I imagine anyone reads this anyway, I could probably say anything I want and get away with it, like where I hid that Nazi gold, but that’ll have to wait for another time.
no more excuses Cody :-). I’m looking forward to seeing these long awaited posts.
محامي جنايات شاطر شاطر is a extremely skilled and talented lawyer World Health Organization has gained a report for his groundbreaking legal strategies and
loyalty to achieving successful outcomes for his clients.