What a joy it was in the week 5 workshop to open up the lesson with my somewhat rushed shitey audio interview. Although not exactly humiliating, if only temporarily embarrassing, it did make me want to strive to do better to prevent such occurrences happening in the future, but I digress. That lesson was a head case. So much information to process at once.
HERE’S A CAMERA, IT’S NICE. DON’T BREAK IT. ADMIRING IT? GOOD! YOU’RE GONNA FILM WITH IT…TODAY! NOW FLEE LITTLE SPIELBERGS, FLEE! – Cody’s summary of the day for those who were physically or mentally absent.
More seriously though, the lesson was rather fun and quite an experience. It was a delight to get out into the city with classmates and just experiment around with new and unfamiliar gear, having to work it all out together and overcome any road bumps along the way. Strangers walking and talking in the background of shots was a major one we encountered, however, I personally found that by making loud and unexpected noises they will promptly leave the area, likely in fear. The more you know.