This weeks lecture clarified more than I ever needed to know in preparation for PB3, it got me thinking of what to do next, it got me excited for the what I could created, so I started writing down ideas in class – listing all the possibilities!… then they were promptly crushed. Not being able to film in public without having to go through the arduous task of gaining permission from the local council, of which could take weeks, was a real bummer, basically eliminating %70 of my shots. So unless I happened to personally own a small rural town or a stretch oh a suburban street in my backyard, I was essentially limited to places I own or can easily* gain permission to. But even then, my own car was off limits due to ‘safety’, even if I promised not to hit many people this time.
Whilst disappointed with some of the strict rules and guidelines, I can see where’re there coming from and how they make sense.
Right! Now that my little bitch about that is out of the way, this weeks lecture was fantastic! After hearing about how and what we will learn of textual analysis, I can positively say that I cannot wait to not enjoy every movie I watch, but rather critique every frame, followed by annoying all non-film-orientated people about it. A disaster for them, fun for me.