Hello Premiere My Old Friend

It’s always strange returning to something left untouched for so long. It has almost been a year since I’ve used Premiere but still I find myself being able to find my way around it again with relative ease, slowly remembering and the tricks and little things; remnants of knowledge from the many late hours I spent hunched over my computer desk fiddling around with effects attempting to something, anything, that I could.
In light of this I decided to go back and look at the last little side project I completed*, a parody of the season 1 American Horror Story introduction, and  I thought to myself “yeah, why not post it on the blog, it can warn people of what’s to come.” So with no further ado, I present the mess that I somehow managed to conjure up in 3 hours at 2 in the morning. Enjoy! (at your own risk)

Also, forgive me, this was a rush job done late at night by a younger, more naive version of me… so, long, ago… I’ve moved on now, forgotten that life and left it all behind. Now peer through the window of what was so that you may understand what is, for this is no normal parody, but a commentary on human nature and the existential crisis that we have come to know as consciousness. To you, will this be an image of something you despise, awe, or fear? Or will you look deeper into this piece of art and see that it is a reflection of your very soul?


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