First Assignment: Self Reflection -Who I Am vs What Defines Me

Instead of doing a vlog, I decided to do with my media what I had to do to myself; strip away my image. Now only my voice remains, taking the viewers’ full focus with no other medium to distract. I wanted the audio aspect of this project to take on the ‘who I am’ part. 

In similar fashion to the pictures, though not quite to the same degree, I’ve taken these videos to give a bit of reflection to more ‘what’ I am rather than ‘who’ I am; just smalls snippets in my life.

My first video was is just a short (and exaggerated) portrayal of how I spend (too much of) my time when winding down and relaxing.

My second video I wanted to show a rather large part of my life, having in recent years partaking in musical theater.

My third and final video wasn’t really meant to reflect anything deep or meaningful, but merely my sense of humor and what I find entertaining.

contrary to the audio logs, the pictures are meant to capture what I consider to be non-essential material goods that I hold dear in my life.  From family to just every leisurely activities in my day to day life. 


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