Oh God, send help.

On the 29th of February my fate was sealed, and as of 10:30am I became one of the most desperate, impoverished, and unknowingly fortunate creatures imaginable: a uni student.
Thrown into a completely foreign world to me, hours away from home, and with only half a timetable and a nonexistent sense of direction, I somehow made it to my class on time, and what was to come would change me.
I had heard many stories about university in general, both amazing and questionable, from lunchtime beer-pong with lecturers to sleep deprived students arriving hours late in crumpled pajamas. But to me this was never reality, it was far away, happening to someone else. That is, until my first class.
It was then, in the first few minutes of class, that it finally dawned upon me, “I’m in university”. This innate sense of dread, inspiration, hope and awe, all flooded to me in a second, for only in university can a man walk into a classroom with his personal lamp and background music to then reveal himself as your lecturer. And from that moment I knew I was in the right place.

Whilst feeling within my element, over the past 3 days I’ve also began to feel somewhat out of my depth. Each day now I’ve attended classes with dozens if not hundreds of fellow students, each as eager and as ready as I. Accompanying my eagerness came a sense of inferiority. As I looked to those around me I didn’t see students, I saw professionals in the making, many of whom already possess skills leagues past me.  It was here I realized that I knew nothing. Yes, I knew there were many others like me our there, jumping into courses with relatively little knowledge and skill, but this did not comfort me. What did comfort me though was the same thing that filled me with fear, the very same students I was envious of, for I knew that not only would I likely being working around them during my course, but also with them. Here I would be able to immerse myself into my studies, take note from those around me and be inspired by differing and akin minds alike, and with any luck, hopefully, be able to do the same for them.

Already this has been a rather large change for me; this post being my first of any kind in over two years, having for the most part taken social media out of my life before undergoing year 12. In order to succeed at this course I have to change myself for the better, and it is with this that I can proudly say that I am ready.
A lot changed for me last year during my gap year, and I had accomplished a lot, but I’m ready to leave that all behind me now and embark on a journey of change once again.
Stupid, confused, and yearning for more, I’m ready to take this on

Bring it on RMIT. Let’s see if you can handle me!

(…Or if I can handle it. whatever. who’s keeping track anyway?)

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