Narrative and Non Narrative

It’s very often asked if experimental films have form or narrative? At first glance it’s easy to dismiss an film without words, characters or a clear conclusion. However I believe that it’s through pattern, and repetition that form and narrative can be conveyed in films that are more abstract. For example in the film we watched today ‘We Have Decided Not To Die’  I think still has a narrative that runs through it, even if it wasn’t it’s intention. The act of framing the the film into three separate rituals gives us the impression of three acts, or in this case there are three different stories being told. Even the title seems to give the three protags causality they have all chosen not to die so it’s a way you can make sense of whats happening to each of the figures in the story, it also seems like the characters go from one state to another mimicking that of a journey.  In class we came up with our own reasons as to what made this film narrative and non-narrative.

-the film is broken up into parts to follow (each ritual)
-the characters seem to go from one state to another
-the title explains the will behind the three protags
-each part has an emotion low follow be an emotion high

Non Narrative
-visions of weird stuff happened, no representation, nothing is said
-whole piece is in a state of chaos
-lack of conclusion
-characters are props, no motivation

Although I agree with a lot thats said here, but I still believe that just because there seems like there’s nothing literal going on a narrative can still be conveyed in ways that’s abstract, because there are many different ways of story-telling. Even though it’s not clear it still shows the journey of three different people who are choosing not to die.You can view the film here.

We Have Decided Not To Die from Sion Roberts on Vimeo.

Textual Analyses


In class we did a textual analyses exercise with this advertisement:

Denotation (literal meaning) : people going about their day at a local train station

Connotation (cultural or 2nd order meaning) : urban jungle, (lion is in the certain of the photo, the photo has a very urban look about it), adventure (train station with no name and lion), pride (also a symbol of the lion), skin heads (working class)  real experience (the photo is shot to be candid rather than posed it feels more truthful) phantoms (something scary and exciting)

Codes: Isn’t a place to go for luxury but rather adventure, This is a place to go for the working class man as an escape, people looking for a thrill rather than to sit poolside.

I was also able to come up with a lot of these analyses, because this image was shown in contrast to another advertisement which showed a father and son playing by the pool. It was from comparing the two images I was able to draw a lot of the adventure vs luxury, get away from the urban grind vs the urban lifestyle comparisons. 

Dummy’s Guide to the Zoom Handy Recorder H2n

During our ‘in field’ recording experience, we encountered the following problems when it came to the quality of the audio. The first problem was setting the setting the input sensitivity as a lot of the first recordings I took could not be heard over the white noise. In the future I need to be more mindful of the recorder and adjust settings when something is wrong with the playback. Playback was also another issue as I found myself to eager to find sounds rather than check the quality of the ones I already had.

The second problem we encountered was proximity, a lot of our recordings could have been louder and clearer had we positioned ourselves correctly to what we were trying to record. For me I found myself timid to really get up and record things I wanted to, so this is something I’d like to correct the night time I work with sound.

Apart from proximity affecting our recordings we also were interrupted by a lot of unwanted city sounds, or even just us communicating when someone else was recording. To fix this, it was suggested that we, go somewhere remote for our sound effects, and make sure everyone knows that it’s “quiet on set” before the recording begins.