Deep Attention and Hyper Attention

At the start of the lectorial I found myself struggling to pay attention. The only thing that kept me from flicking to twitter was the fear of those behind me seeing inappropriate content on my feed. As housekeeping eventually turned into a reading I found myself although interested that I was unable to finish the article without jumping around and skimming through certain paragraphs.

After finishing up I had pretty quickly come to the conclusion that an entire high school span of doing homework with the accompany of tv and music had probably lead me to develop “hyper attention.”  This was further reiterated as I begun to discuss the article with my peers but we also discussed how our first couple of days in this course had been.

Reading this article really came as a surprise to me as I was unaware that being able to focus on multiple things as once is becoming recognised as a learning style rather than being dismissed as having no attention span. I am excited to see how institutions can start to incorporate both deep attention and hyper attention in their curriculum. A strategy that worked for me was a lecturer addressing the class and allowing us to doodle during his talks as he understood it helped some people focus better. Another strategy would be to incorporate more interactive elements to lectures and encouraging more discussion.