
Over the weekend i’ve been interviewing friends about film festivals for our project. Although I’ve gotten good results, it’s as we discussed in class, it really is a talent to interview people. To improve these skills i’ve brainstormed a few ideas to help me in the future:

For research I think it’s wise to approach a variety of different people with my interview questions. During the week I mostly talked to friends in their early twenties. Hopefully when we get to attend a film festival over the next week I’ll have a chance to talk to a board range of people rather than relying on those who are convenient and I feel comfortable talking to.

To help with me feeling comfortable around approaching new people, I think it’s in my best interest to really figure out how I want my interview to answer. This can be achieved by really nailing down not only my questions but my approach. For  example when conducting research this weekend though I started by telling interviewees that I was asking them questions about film festivals I often forgot to make clear that I was also interested in the programs of film festivals and often added that information in as an afterthought. To improve I will look to practice my approach on peers and look for feedback and really refine the questions I’m asking in the future.



A mindmap done in todays lectuorial, discussing Facebooks characteristics as an institution.

Some of the main points that came out of this brainstorm were privacy and ubiquity. I thought the idea of Facebook being so omnipresent also helped create a sense of exclusivity. When logged off Facebook it can feel like you’ve cut connections from the entire world because of how quickly information is received and then buried. For you not to have an account means you’re out on a bigger picture is often used by the simple technique “like us on Facebook to see more.” It highlights the idea that Facebook is where it’s all happening and for  you to not have an account you’re missing out on all the exclusive offers or deals only avaliable to those who are. If you’re not experiencing Facebook, you’re not experiencing
Our research on institutions has mostly been related to how film festivals use there programs to market towards audience. So I think it was helpful to look at how Facebook’s ideals and qualities have also been used.

Moving Forward

Today we presented our script on informing people how to navigate the film festival circuit. We explained we’d be using camp to push what an important role programming plays in attracting the intended audience, however we were
given the feedback that it was important that our research didn’t get lost in all of our camp. To allow the research to flow through more clearly we’ve devised some questions to ask a range of people as to why they attend film festivals to really bring together and define our scripts. On the weekend we’re  working on conducting interviews and finalising scripts. We are on track and have set goals to record everything by Tuesday. I am happy with how things are progressing and look forward to seeing how our script will translate to film or broadcast.

The questions we have decided to focus on are:

Why would you go to the film festival? 

How did you hear about any of these film festivals? 

Out of these three  film festivals which would you be most interested in going to? Why? 

Are you interested in learning anything from attending this festival? 

From this program which movies or events would you attend?

By showing a range of people the programs, along with the questions I think it would really help us grasp what techniques draw people towards the festivals.