In todays tutorial we were able to get together and share our research. For my articles I found that the programming of LBGT festivals to be a interesting because it showed how the organisation of the festivals could inform and define the collective “we” within in the audience. The article which can be found here also includes missions statements an information about the film festivals, which is not only informative but provides us with an idea of how to start our research. Georgina also suggested how it was interesting to see if film festivals should be seen as a business or something for the community which I feel also fits when looking at programming.
When braining storming for our artefact, Emily suggested doing a snappy news reel, that talks current film festivals about how programming is being used to capture each audience. We continued our brain storming coming up with ideas such as; podcasts of interviews, vlogs of our film festival experiences, a feature article, a program of the festival involving the same tongue and cheek tactics involved in the news reel. We also considered establishing a hashtag on twitter where people can share there experience attending certain festivals exploring why they went and how they enjoyed it.
Overall we all really enjoyed the news reel idea and have decided to pursue it by Tuesday next week we are all expected to come up with a script and ideas surrounding a film festivals program and how their trying to capture audiences.