Curran Bernard, S. Documentary storytelling for film and video makers
1) stressing the necessaty of a “bomb-proof fall-back plan” is an excellent point. What attracts me to documentary film making is the candid and organic way in which the story, in a lot of cases, reveals itself during production. Sometimes though, this interesting angle or story may not reveal itself, or even exist for that matter. AS THIS Is a distinct possibility, having the foresight to plan storytelling elements which can be planned or prompted is a very practical, yet foreseeable, overlooked part of the production process.
2) my documentary film idea , as it is right now, seems to be largely focused on the visual, atmospheric elements of filmmaking. It’s not a very well thought out idea largely due to the fact that I cannot decide on the main content I would like to put forward, or what would be interesting for the audience. Curran stresses the importance of having a good balance between the visual and storytelling elements of documentary film making, as one cannot make an engaging documentary without a balance of the two.