
Yay i finally finished the storyboard to go into our pitch presentation for Good Vibes and Regrets by NeuMark. It’s actually not really a storyboard but a set of pictures that give a very rough overview of the narrative and the settings of the music video. It is just to give the audience an idea of the beginning and the end of the music video and some of what i thought was to be the important scenes in the music video. These pictures might not exactly be the shots that we end up filming and we might even change up the settings but ideally we will follow the structure of the narrative that we brainstormed and all agreed on together. The first picture is of the back of the female character leaving her house then a picture of her on the phone than it shows that she’s playing the song ‘Good vibes and Regrets’  The music starts playing and NeuMark shows up on the street walking along her and serenades her with his song but she doesn’t see him, the next pictures are them at the carpark and the spa then the last three pictures are how we visualised the music video will end. NeuMark singing into the mic while the girl watches him and later they finally meet and exchanges eye contact.

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