Singular Objects
Multiple Objects
After examining all of the photos taken in accordance to my method of capturing singular/ multiple concordant objects at Southern Cross station, I noticed various things that I usually would have never thought twice about. It made me realise that just knowing about something and actually discovering it in your day to day locations then going even further to record it are very different matters.
In this case the media was collected first then by thoroughly going through all the photos, I found myself noticing things that i already had general knowledge of being utilised within locations such as the Southern Cross station .
I knew that the colour red stimulated ones appetite which is why fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and Burger King used red in their branding and interior designs. By going through the pictures, i noticed the round chairs at the side of the foodcourt, the chairs at Red Rooster and the vending machines were all comprising the colour red. This correlation between a certain colour and a certain sensation such as hunger or thirst was an already known factor for me but as i notice it in the scenes of my everyday location I discovered how great the relation actually was and how it was being manipulated to us in such a passive aggressive way.
Another pattern i noticed relating colour was in items associated with travel and the colour blue. This was something i never noticed or thought about but i assume was always subconsciously existent in our surroundings. As in the pictures that i took, it can be seen in the bicycle helmets, the transitory lockers for travellers and the handles of the luggage carts.
Looking at the first photo of the public rubbish bin in front of Gloria Jean’s I noticed how accurately the bin was positioned right in front of the cafe. I remembered when collecting the photos at Southern Cross, that there was a line of bins (about 4-6) aligning the eateries including Gloria Jeans on the side of the bridge path. This prompted me to casually review the reasoning behind the positions of public utility.
In the last picture of Spencer street which was taken from the steps of the stairway to Southern Cross, the focal point was the cement blocks on the boarder of the footpath. I found out that they were put up as a prevention for rampage breakouts from car attacks on pedestrians. Although at the time, I only noticed the cement blocks because it suited my ‘noticing method’ of multiple duplicates, but by capturing the scene it became stored in my memory and when i discovered the purpose for it, I instantly recalled the Bourke street attack.
Something that I hadn’t noticed when taking the photos that i noticed now by looking through the outcome carefully is that the pictures that were intended to be under singular objects or multiple objects can be simultaneously both. For example, the fifth picture of the eatery tables lined up against the glass wall can be under multiple duplicates but also the man sitting alone can be considered as singular. The third picture of the bicycle standing singularly, I realise the stands are duplicates. With the eighth picture of the carts, at the time i didn’t see the no bicycle sign and intended to shoot the two duplicate carts but the singular sign stood out more as i looked at the picture.
One of the similarities that i have noticed in the media is that in most of the pictures, if they were shot from a general eye sight level and not a closeup shot, it is guaranteed to see spontaneous appearance of pedestrians whether in the background or even foreground. This just proves how busy the station is and enhances the organic and mundane feel of aesthetics.