Notes on the pros and cons of Group work
Good Vs
- Many more ideas (creativity)
- Feedback loops
- spread of the workload
- teach each other things
- More time to refine an idea more ambitious
Bad Experiences
- Conflict about ideas
- Bossy lead
- Unequal distribution of work and other people get credit for it -> share ideas
- the project dies because no one owns it ->
- compromise of artistic vision
- degrading/disrespectful behaviour
Collaboration what is it good for?
- learn to resolve conflict
- Negotiate
- Practice professional communication
- Establish peer relationship
Positive collaboration
An environment where you can honestly express your opinion without fear or
oHow cowrite Collaborative contract
Research and media making
Research is a core media making skill…not just an academic skill
- talking to people is good but needs to be complemented by reading/researching
- bring in something new add something to the topic
Tips that i’ve learnt When Evaluating sources
Great thing that academic research has is time. Do not dismiss knowledge because its old.
everything is partial in terms of knowledge. Mixing together different sources
Most current work comes out of journals current leading edge for what academics produce
Submit work to journalist then gets reviewed goes through checking process. Slow things down
Evaluating the currency as well as the authority of the sources you’re using.