wk 12 tutorial

Feedback on our Roughcuts

Today in class we got to reveal our 1-min rough cut of our audio piece. We had people working in professional audio related fields to come and listen to our work and give us advices. I just finished the edit of the intro to our radio show the night before so i was very nervous and sleep deprived. I felt like our rough cut was way too rough SO not ready to be judged on but it was such a huge help. Some of the advices we received were to

  • Mix up different voices into the public interview sector
  • Try to control the use of radio sound effects
  • Adding more depth to the sound by adding spot sounds
  • Keep up the hype by creating various tones

They said it was a really fun and interesting piece (from what i remember although i could be wrong they could have said it was horrible) They liked the way the structure of ours followed a real radio talk show very closely. Although it was just the intro that they heard they gave us plenty ideas what we could incorporate in the next few minutes. It was comforting to know that we were on the right track and that the editing was not too overwhelmingly noisy.

We also got to listened to the other groups who were doing a similar topic as us ‘social media’ and theirs was very narrative based. It followed a linear structure of narrative. If ours was kind of a mash of different sounds jumping in here and there theirs was very orderly. They really focused on the quality of the sound effect and each words that was being spoken which was really nice. The most memorable thing from their rough cut was their keyboard spot sound. It was the typing of a computer keyboard and it just instantly made me concentrate and seemed like i could almost see them.

It’s amazing how many different ways people can go about with same topics or themes. We all think differently and execute in our own creative manner.

*Unfortunately i had trouble exporting that 1-min rough cut that i showed to those guys and kept working on it until i realised that it was no longer 1-min long and a rough cut so we are thinking of just uploading the raw footage of our interviewing voices for our rough cut.

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