week 9 tutorial

Beginning of a collaboration

Today we were put in groups for our collaboration. I was in a group of 3 girls and was really happy with my members. We brainstormed on the topic attention and talked about the impact of the attention on social media impacting celebrities. Then we talked about the fire festival scheme which i had no idea but just heard about then. More on Kim Kardashian news (The paris robery) and also thought the cash me outside girl was hilarious. The brain storming went pretty well and we sort of decided on our theme already. We then whipped up a collaborate contract on the spot and begun to write our SWOT analysis.

The SWOT Analysis

While writing the SWOT analysis i struggled to find many strengths. I thought to myself after reading this I wouldn’t even want to be in a group with myself. My strengths are in editing but that was premiere pro and i don’t even know if i could call my amateur skills stronger than average. Oh well somebody’s got to take me in so.. hahaha


Week 9 lectorial

Notes on the pros and cons of Group work

Good  Vs

  • Many more ideas (creativity)
  • Feedback loops
  • spread of the workload
  • teach each other things
  • More time to refine an idea more ambitious

Bad Experiences

  • Conflict about ideas
  • Bossy lead
  • Unequal distribution of work and other people get credit for it -> share ideas
  • the project dies because no one owns it ->
  • compromise of artistic vision
  • degrading/disrespectful behaviour

Collaboration what is it good for?

  • learn to resolve conflict
  • Negotiate
  • Practice professional communication
  • Establish peer relationship

Positive collaboration

An environment where you can honestly express your opinion without fear or


oHow cowrite Collaborative contract

Research and media making

Research is a core media making skill…not just an academic skill

  • talking to people is good but needs to be complemented by reading/researching
  • bring in something new add something to the topic


Tips that i’ve learnt When Evaluating  sources

Great thing that academic research has is time. Do not dismiss knowledge because its old.

everything is partial in terms of knowledge. Mixing together different sources

Most current work comes out of journals current leading edge for what academics produce

Submit work to journalist then gets reviewed goes through checking process. Slow things down

Evaluating the currency as well as the authority of the sources you’re using.




wk 10 initiative

I don’t pay attention to sound. I love visuals photography and just the motion of objects i find it so beautiful. However in this weeks lectorial i have opened my ears and really listened. One of the sample audio narratives were of parents who have adopted babies of colour. It was like being in that room with the those women sitting in front of them and just eavesdropping over their conversation. The power of audio hit me. I honestly don’t listen to any podcasts or anything other than spotify or Youtube music videos even then the audio is accompanied by striking visuals. However this time i’ve tried listening to something else

Friend’s like us

wk 9 initiative

WE are collaborating for this assignment. I love collaborated music especially when rappers feature on smooth RnB songs they’re the best and Youtube videos filming with friends and pranking families they’re so good, but have i ever collaborated? No. It’s a little daunting  but collaboration always turn out to be amazing such as these hit songs


When these artists come together their talents double better yet triple. It adds variety and it’s like watching a band performing rather than a single artist.

wk 10 tutorial


Editing techniques i have learnt today!

slip tool – insert space between clips creates space good for adding a lil pause at the beginning

razor tool – creates cuts

move tool – selecting different clips
Always check level of the sound
Sound fade in and out – drag the fade icon double click to change direction of the sound linear and cosign
Automatic crossfade when overlapped and control the length of the crossfade by dragging.
Double click to get into wave form for fine editing
show spectral frequency display
Each sound has a different frequency pitch and sound.
Selection tool marquee tool and delete it out in spectral frequency display.
To get rid of background sound go to effects – noise reduction – noise reduction process – select the area – capture noise point – bring down the noise level by controlling the reduced by cursor
Use the save as option!!

wk 12 tutorial

Feedback on our Roughcuts

Today in class we got to reveal our 1-min rough cut of our audio piece. We had people working in professional audio related fields to come and listen to our work and give us advices. I just finished the edit of the intro to our radio show the night before so i was very nervous and sleep deprived. I felt like our rough cut was way too rough SO not ready to be judged on but it was such a huge help. Some of the advices we received were to

  • Mix up different voices into the public interview sector
  • Try to control the use of radio sound effects
  • Adding more depth to the sound by adding spot sounds
  • Keep up the hype by creating various tones

They said it was a really fun and interesting piece (from what i remember although i could be wrong they could have said it was horrible) They liked the way the structure of ours followed a real radio talk show very closely. Although it was just the intro that they heard they gave us plenty ideas what we could incorporate in the next few minutes. It was comforting to know that we were on the right track and that the editing was not too overwhelmingly noisy.

We also got to listened to the other groups who were doing a similar topic as us ‘social media’ and theirs was very narrative based. It followed a linear structure of narrative. If ours was kind of a mash of different sounds jumping in here and there theirs was very orderly. They really focused on the quality of the sound effect and each words that was being spoken which was really nice. The most memorable thing from their rough cut was their keyboard spot sound. It was the typing of a computer keyboard and it just instantly made me concentrate and seemed like i could almost see them.

It’s amazing how many different ways people can go about with same topics or themes. We all think differently and execute in our own creative manner.

*Unfortunately i had trouble exporting that 1-min rough cut that i showed to those guys and kept working on it until i realised that it was no longer 1-min long and a rough cut so we are thinking of just uploading the raw footage of our interviewing voices for our rough cut.


Our group consisted of three girls. Girl Power! We initially thought about social media and celebrity culture when first received the topic ‘attention’. We brainstormed and settled on an idea really quick. We worked on the collaborative contract on the spot and already planned out next group meeting. It went oh so smoothly! well at the beginning at least..

Our topic was on how attention on social media impacts our lives. We were going to focus on two main case studies Kim Kardashian who is considered to be a ‘traditional celebrity’ and Danielle Bregoli the cash me outside how bad day girl, a ‘micro celebrity’. During the process of research and writing out my annotated bibliography which i really struggled with (because i was so not familiar with evaluating a secondary text), I was intrigued by the idea of micro celebrities who are essentially created by the attention on social media they receive. I thought it was perfect for this assignment as it portrays how big of an impact social media has on this generation that there are ordinary people who are becoming extraordinarily popular into micro celebrities by just being themselves like Danielle Brigoli on Dr. Phils. Although some times those things are staged and most of the Instagram models we know solely dedicate their time and money into that one perfect picture to gain that ‘instafame’, we overlook those and are just fascinated by what we see at that moment and we like it (literally) which relates to hyper attention in a way.


Micro celebrities are made by us, social media users because we give them attention and that is what they make money off of and puts them on the list of ‘popular’ but they don’t necessarily have paparazzis following them around or live in huge mansions. They live their ordinary lives except they have a specific range of audience and fans on Youtube or Instagram who follow ,watch and admire them for who they are whether it is their looks, or their eccentric character trades. I thought it would be fun to create a micro celebrity of our own and put her voice and character into our audio piece. So we decided to incorporate an interview with our fake micro celebrity ‘Elizabeth Taylor’ into our very one radio talkshow called the ‘GiGi and Chlo’s Talko Show’.

We had the idea of making a radio talk show from the very get go but the contents that we wanted to fill it with were formed on the way. Obviously we thought we needed a snappy name and intro for the radio show which we did by just putting together our nick names (Although nobody ever calls me Chlo..) Gigi and Chlo to make it sound more stylish and interesting. Ofcourse since we are an Australian radioshow and we talk in it, ‘talk show’ which Nat came up with, seemed very appropriate and friendly. We decided to open up with a public interview where we asked the public some general social media related questions and testing them on their knowledge of celebrity news. Then we recorded a discussion piece with social media guru Nat about the relation of the millennial these days and their excessive use of social media effecting everyday lives causing privacy issues and furthermore.

That day as a group we recorded the intro, the discussion and the outro of the talkshow and this was before we decided to bring in our fake micro celebrity ‘Elizabeth Taylor’. We promised to meet the next week and work on the rest but a problem occurred the whole discussion piece with our social media guru was unusable as every single word spoken in it glitched. So we had to re record but due to the absence of our group member we had to go another way which is when we thought of bringing Elizabeth aka Ellie to life. It  was quite easy to come up with a micro celebrity who became famous over a night; Youtube was the perfect platform for find those who craved or just happened to be instantly popular. We researched Youtube for interviews of them we looked mostly on the Ellenshow and gathered the most typical questions and responses and implemented them. Although it was hard to work only with two members (we had to play multiple roles) i think the outcome turned out to be better.

In terms of editing the most challenging part was to keep up the hype of the talkshow because we weren’t professional journalists or radio hosts, our enthusiasm weren’t exactly going through the roof. We tried..We really tried. Anyways in order to achieve that vibrant tone of an everyday afternoon radio show we packed it in with radio sweepers and spot sounds. We tried to balance out the amount of sound effects to create a rhythm and just left them out in places we thought were unnecessary. I think we definitely could have improved more on our script and incorporated more of our academic research into it but i guess we missed that because we were trying to set up a very casual tone. I also found group work quite difficult when one of your group members just disappear out of sight, out of touch but have learnt to become more flexible in terms of coming up with alternatives and overcoming the situation by just refreshing my mind and editing faster.