Part 1 Considering fandom/audiences
Part 2 Jeremy Bowtell – Roughcut/Fine cut
textual attention BBC planet earth II – iguana vs snakes
To think about attention is being conceptualised and worked through in media
The question is how texts….establish relations with their readers as well as representations of whatever their subject matter might be
Attention and audiences
Wha cares about the audiences and the kind of attention they give to media?
- Advertisers
- Commercial broadcasters, cable networks etc
- Production houses and individul program makers
- Government policy makers
- Social scientist/ psychologists
- cultural theorists/ media scholars
Changing conceptions of audiences/consumers
- from broadcasting to narrowing the basic idea is that there being the recognition of that shift is not that old. Non traditional channel 7 channel 9 Netflix internet company Sony interest in software and hardware Profound shift made in making media affordable technology of distribution how we buy sell
- Flowering of long term
Post broadcast paradigm
The idea of the audience has changed
Media effects theory
- anxiety/suspicion re TV’s power
- audience is passive/ manipulated/ brain washed Kids/ young people
- lab experiments
Theorising the ‘active audience’
A ‘reception studies’ tradition in media/cultural/ television studies has focused on audiences and how they ‘read’/make sense of texts
Theorising ‘The active audience’ Acknowledges
- complexity of viewing activity
- cultural competencies
- sociocultural context of viewing
They pay too much attentions to stuff. Calling someone a fan still has a slightly negative connotation. Fans are often stereotyped and pathologies as cultural ‘others’- as obsessive, freakish hysterical. Fan cultures are a problem for legimate culture because of their insistence on muddying boundaries- treating mass culture texts as if they deserved the same attention as canonical/high culture texts
Reading ‘The Night of a Thousand Wizards’ (2010)
Henry Jenkin One of key figures in fandom studies He is ana academic and also a fan.
Editing Process
Finishing an editing project
Focus on structure, getting the main elements of the story in the order. Predominantly IV content, OK to have blank spaces
Rough cut
First draft. Filling in blank spaces to include montages, B-Roll, as well as music & SFX if necessary to tell story (No colour grading or any fancy effects Don’t go any further because Not the priority might not end up using the footage after all)Make sure persistent audio level
Fine Cut: File tuning vision and audio, colour grade, audio mix and titles
audio mix
File organisation
All medias are offline where to find the audio clips are broken just locate
“Always substance over style”
Have an exports folder!