Wk 5 – Louise Tarley

This week Guest speaker, Producer of Backroads(ABC) Louise Turley came to speak to our group.

The art of the Interview

Some of the things we learned about her was that she got her first job because the recruiter thought she was related to an AFL footballer. She worked at ABC for 20years, BBC doing art documentaries while she traveling all around the world. (lucky)..She also worked at Matchbox pictures working on factual and reality TV then finally the show ‘Backroads’ by ABC an old fashioned tv about the rural Australian country towns that had over 1.3 million viewers who were mostly women over the age of 65.

Louise had an interesting line of career and she had some great tips on how to conduct a successful interview.

Some of the tips were

  • Establish who your audience is
  • Make sure the subject is not shy on camera and that they are credible
  • Art of the noddy (nodding without making any sound in response to the interviewee)
  • Make the interview questions simple, as short as possible and open ended.

Example of an closed and open question

Open: Tell me your relationship with your boss

Closed: Do you get along with your boss? (Can only answer in yes or no)

  •  Practise saying them
  • Leading questions can be dangerous


What problems do you have with your boss? Implies she has problems with the boss

Tell me about your relationship with your boss? much more balanced unbiased/ full of bias

How did you smash your car? Implies fault

  • Maintain eye contact
  • Lots of miming and facial expressions
  • To get the best answers out of people they need to feel comfortable
  • Be careful about what people are doing in the background
  • Take one day to follow the subject and observe and take notes for the interview
  • Self- contained answer

Notify your subject and tell them that we need them to repeat the question in their answer.

Example: Q. when did you move to Melbourne? A. I moved to Melbourne 5 years ago.

  • Lighting and sound is very important make sure to have the right equipments ready for it
  • Have a reason why the location is that place or else the audience might not understand. Natural habitat is a good option
  • Say whatever you need to say to put them in their comfort zone

But most importantly

Interview is Practise.