P R O J E C T B R I E F T H R E E // R e v i e w

Following a semi mortifying experience of my video stalling, three times and re- watching the beginning again and again, we formed groups to critique the films we had just presented.

The group was immensely supportive, probably stemming from the unfamiliarity of our group members. We rewatched all three films, discussing the subject of each film and different techniques used for sourcing our found footage and soundtracking.

Gabrial Strachan presented an equally entertaining, engaging and well presented portrait of his house mate and friend Samuel Sedgwick, a house music producer. Gabriel’s piece stood out as one of the higher quality works as he seamlessly incorporated found footage which coincided with the aesthetic of his entire piece; opposed to throwing in any found footage merely to meet the criteria of the project brief.

The groups formed, alongside used for critiquing project three, will become our group for project four; our first collaboration project.  Our group was delegated the media artefact of ‘Texts’. An immensely broad topic which we will hopefully narrow down to focus on on a more specific and intellectually engaging subject.

Gabriels film can be viewed via his vimeo page below.


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