A5 pt2 Studio Review

FUTURE MACHINA reflection on the other two groups

  • Reset

According to the work of Phillip Trinh, his masterpiece describes a near-future world with the abandonment of weapons and the start of the domination by AI. The most amazing is how he tells the story by an ordinary citizen to memorise the change in the world. Most shoots are delicate with a style of “throwback” in slow-motion, which allows me to sensor every moment. All the scene reminds me of the atmosphere of the ending of I Am Legend (2007), the loneliness, the anxiety and feeling the that things were a dream only, but it is reality. 


  • The Road to Eternal Life

Another masterpiece is Holly’s “The Road to Eternal Life”, the live-forever topic discussed throughout society since the 18th century. Moreover, the entire theme involves ethical issues, such as whether humans need the body organ from another body or if utilising the AI tech to manufacture human organs. We need to think about how to let AI involve ethically and appropriately. The idea of this video to experience the life of living forever inspires the importance of humans’ need to be physically in the world forever, or we could live on the internet or something like digital devices. I believe that scientists still can’t make humans live forever but longer in the near-future. More importantly, how we undisturbedly face death seems more like a life issue.

This reminds an idea – The immortal flower is a product made by humans to keep a flower will not withering forever. At the same time, the immortal flower also loses the sudden beauty of its’ life. Human does too.

MAKE HASTE! FILM WASTE! reflection on the other two groups
I would like to feature the course, MAKE HASTE! FILM WASTE! as the concept is possibly significant to educate candidates about the waste that happens now. Through the documentary skills of development in the course, we can demonstrate eco-awareness of social media.

  • Same same but different

Cem Belici, Carly Daniels, Sarah Menegon, and Olivia Pascuzzi group created a video that addressed “SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT.”. It is fascinating that the topic is relevant to my final project in Future Machina. Still, the genre they make is a recording process of interviews. This also raises up these young design students’ awareness about not just making clothes with these expensive materials, instead, it seems like a good idea to repurpose the junk in front of us first.

  • The Wardrobe


Daniel Rubera, Eamon O’Callaghan, Elii Emeghebo, Jade Tyler and Jinyoung Park’s work “The wardrobe” successfully catches my attention with the camera skills, professions and a very clear structure of the documentary. As the interviewers said, “the waste is not about how many pieces of clothes going to landfills, it is about how we re-use it.” I do agree to re-use these clothes but somehow the price of these clothes are as the same as brand-new clothes. More about the “money” consumers paid for this kind of clothes is going for where? Buy used clothes? Or is it 100% profits to the company? Personally, I believe the transparency of where the money we paid will successfully help customers to know we are paying for a concept and an awareness of eco-friendly not just a piece of clothes.

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