For week 8, I would like to reflect my feeling of Decoupage. Actually, the interpretation of Decoupage is so sophisticated to me. Bernard (2014) says that it is as if decoupage lacked an equivalent word in English to describe “the aesthetic and industrial operation for conceiving films both pictorially through camera work and temporally through image sequencing.” It is not only about the translation of the original language (As my mother language is Mandarin, the interpretation of the initial resource has been transferred from French to English, then rebuild the structure of definition of Decoupage in own understanding by myself), but the practical exercise is also undoubtedly hard to implement, personally I think. Any theories relate to Decoupage only mentions about the concept of it or even commonly been misunderstood when English or Chinese theorists attempted to translate. I only shallowly understand it, which may mean the process of pre-preparation, but have no idea how to implement. Moreover, when I looked up the texts in Chinese, apparently no one had done a detailed explanation of Decoupage from the origin. (Or maybe the definition of Deocoupage had been transformed in different keywords). It is as if sometimes Mise en scene, Montage, Decoupage share some idea of in practical interpretation, but once transformed to the text they have been defined in another way. For example, Mise en scene, we usually describe it as a way of storytelling visually through arrangements of storyboard, cinematography, blocking design and so on, similarly, Decoupage, Brazin explains that it is a detailed plan for shooting complete with camera indications, stage directions and editing directions.
For some reasons, that was why the concept of them always been confused.