Nostalgia For The Light is a 2010 documentary which explores astronomy, the universe, and the Atacama Desert in Chile, looking into the dictatorship issues in Chile, which led to human rights cases. This documentary examines how astronomy is a way to look into the past to understand our origins. The Atacama Desert is where women of Chile, who have suffered from human rights abuse under a dictatorship, look for bones and traces of their loved ones. The documentary ends questioning the importance of this part of history, and how it will effect the future.
Nostalgia For The Light is about discovering the origins of mankind. This documentary has great cinematography, filmed in a way which looks at the universe and those who occupy the world. The visuals in this documentary explore light, depth and focus, making the audience look into focus on our place in the universe, placing Chile in the centre of this, as astronomers could observe the universe through the thin skies.
Nostaligia Of The Light inspired me to look further into documentary and it’s importance. This film was interesting as it tackled important subject matter whilst it also looked into out this world matter and showed simple footage of lights and the world. Nostalgia For The Light was an interesting documentary looking at dictatorship. I find documentaries interesting as their realism brings to light tough subject matter but they can also explore different modes of filmmaking.