Popular cinema

Williams, Raymond. ‘Culture’ in Keywords : A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Rev. and Expanded ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1985. p87-93

  • Culture: intricate historical development, used for important concepts in several distinct intellectual disciplines and in several distinct and incompatible systems of thought
  • Culture: a noun of process: the tending of something, basically crops or animals.

Williams, Raymond. ‘Popular’ in Keywords : A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Rev. and Expanded ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1985. p236-238

  • Popular was originally a legal and political term, from popularis – belonging to the people
  • In 1967 popularity was defined by Collier as ‘a courting the favour of the people by undue practices’
  • Popular culture was not identified by the people but by others, and it still carries two older senses: inferior kinds of work and work deliberately setting out to win favour as well as more modern sense of well-liked by many people
  • Popular song and popular art were shortened to pop

Browne, Ray B. ‘Popular Culture: Notes Towards a Definition’ in Harold Hinds & Marilyn Ferris (eds.) Popular Culture Theory and Methodology. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006. p15-22

  • Popular culture is an indistinct term – cannot define it, only distinguishe the difference between high culture, popular culture and mass media
  • Role of a comic voice/ humour provides a healthy element in a nations life
  • Culture: “the body of intellectual and imaginative work which each generation receives”


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