Mediated sound is a whole different being from the visual aspect media experience.
Sound can easily stand alone – but can also be accompanied with visual
Sound gives us an insight into attitude, mood, geographical origin, and age. The same words mean different meanings when shouted or whispered.
Sound can imply things not shown in the visual aspect
Sound is created by physical vibrations that set molecules in moton, creating sound waves that trave through the air. When a sound is made, the molecules in the air surrounding it are displaced and then pull back slightly creating a pressure followed by a release the maximum pressure is the crest of the sound wave, the release is the trough of the wave
Sound has both technical and aesthetic roles in making media and can be described in terms of quantity, quality, and direction, just like light.
Wavelength = velocity (speed of sound)/ frequency
Height of a sound wave: amplitude – amplitude is measured in decibels