

This weeks readings deiscussed how crucial collabroation is to success. Working in teams has a formula, challenges and rules. Here are some dot points from these readings.

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Keith Sawyer, 2007, Group Genius: The creative power of collaboration, New York: Basic Books, 2007, pp.39-57.

  • Teams can only by improvising and collaborating, changing constantly in response to the adjustments their opponents are making

To foster improvised innovation, the conditions of group flow must be created.

  1. The groups goal
  2. Close listening
  3. Complete concentration
  4. Being in control
  5. Blending egos
  6. Equal participation
  7. Familiarity “you gotta know how to play with them”
  8. Communication
  9. Moving it forward
  10. The potential for failure

1949 Your Show of Shows – whats the difference between group genius and groupthink?

Jean Tabaka, 2006, ‘What are collaborative teams?’ Collaboration explained: Facilitation skills for software project leaders, Upper Saddle River, NJ : Addison-Wesley, pp.23-43.

  • A team is more than just a working group. A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves accountable
  • What defines a high performing team is trust, sharing, self-organisation and mutual accountability
  • The characteristics of team maturity phases: forming, storming, norming, performing
  • How teams falter: remove a member, add a member, change the teams goal/purpose

Adam Hyde, Mike Linksvayer et al, 2012, ‘What is Collaboration Anyway?’ in The Social Media Reader, Ed. Michael Mandiberg, NYU Press

  • Information technology informs and structures the language of networked collaboration. Terms like “sharing”, “openness”, “user-generated content” and “participation” have become so ubiquitous that too often they tend to be conflated and misused
  • Collaboration is employed so widely to describe the methodology of production behind information goods that is occludes as mush as it reveals


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