© 2015 cheeweihenryheng

Methodology of Working pt 2

On Wednesday’s class before the mid semester break, we were to learn about operating a camera, the audio and framing in class. I thought this is topic is by far throughout this course would be favourite because this is what I personally like. I love experimenting with the camera, camera techniques and framing styles.

Recently I’ve just watched Fast and Furious 7 and the VERY FIRST shot from the movie spark my thoughts of one of this class’s exercise; shooting a scene in one shot. The shot begins with a wide shot of a building from a hospital window, and then it slowly tracks back and then the focus goes to a character. Afterwards it tracks along as the character walks to a patient who is lying on the bed while talking to him. It all looks calm and quiet until the camera slowly tracks further back where we can see two nurses crouching by the wall in fear. Apparently James Wan has this awesome idea of using on screen and off screen shot to catch the audience off guard and have the audience expect the unexpected. In other words, the first character we saw in the movie is apparently the main antagonist.

One shot, perfect framing, smart camera movement, use of off screen and on screen; combine them into one and you get the perfect introduction shot.

This is something I would love to try in the class IF that is possible. Due to the limited spaces and location, it is quite hard, but I guess we can experiment a little.

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