The short film End of the Line tells a story about the people of Broken Hill’s idea or impression of their own town and the mentality of the people. Apparently the people there are very loyal to their own town and does not seem to have any complains on living in a rural area. An elderly lady, especially in the film, was telling her death wish in the interview and also an elderly man whom I assume was a mechanic initially was mentioning how the town is quiet and peaceful it is. At some point, I am not very convinced by the man’s voice because he seemed like he was just saying what he is asked to say.
From my perspective, I believe they have already done what intended to do originally but not fully. Things may change during production as they might see something more interesting to shoot or their intention was slightly dull. However, overall, the film looks like it was professionally made. The shots and edits were all organized and knowing where and when to change scenes. The establishing shots were all well shot and it made the viewers get the picture of that small town.
One of the points that excites me or rather I find it interesting will be the “Finding” your story. The article mention about “finding” the story and the filmmaker structuring the story during production and post-production. The article also mentions that even verite projects are crafted in post-production.
Another point would be on the prejudice. Some filmmakers tend to know the whole story behind. The good thing is that there is a an idea of what the filmmaker is going to film, but the film must have a fair say or the opposition must have a fair hearing. The more effectively you can present your case, the better the film will stand up to scrutiny.