© 2014 cheeweihenryheng

Film TV Analysis 4

Question 7

One of a few things that I got was especially the safety about using the lighting equipments. For instance, the wires of the lights must not be coiled up because of the heat passing through the wires. Having them too long will eventually cause them to melt and might eventually burn as well. The lights must not be left anywhere near the sprinklers due to the heat it releases. It may cause the sprinklers to trigger and the water might cause certain damage to the place.

Another point will be the kinds of lights. Fill light, soft light, and backlight. Fill light is the main light to the subject. Soft light is the light that fills the shadow created by the key light and preventing them from getting too dark. Soft lights are diffused lights and they are not as ‘hard’ as the fill. An example of a fill light can be the light from the Sun. Lastly the backlight. Backlight is the light coming from the back and its function is to keep the subject separated from the background.

Question 8

During this exercise, we learnt a lot, from our mistakes and our success in different categories. Things that went well for our Lenny exercise in my perspectives were to be the cinematography. Not great, but I thought they were quite decent. When it comes to post-production, I thought the camera angles work at some point because continuity editing works (without the sound). The exposures were quite well as well, but we thought that during editing, we could do a little bit of colour corrections due to the Sun being covered up by the clouds at some point.

HOWEVER,We made A LOT of mistakes in this exercise. The biggest mistake that we made was LOCATION! We were not aware of the sound that made from the air conditioner exhaust would cause our audio to mess up so much. Another mistake that we made was that we did not record the sound from the exhaust in order that we could remove the noise during post-production. Our sound recording, I would say very badly done because I believe the microphone was not placed directly on the head of the actors as I was keeping my eye on the camera. I was focusing on the visuals so much that I forgot to check the audio levels.


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