© 2014 cheeweihenryheng

Hands Kfilm 2013


“The founding basis for our Korsakow film was an exploration of the human condition through experiential observations. To approach that, we originally conceived of capturing close up encounters of the human body in a way that abstracted form, and made it somewhat unrecognizable. The predominant stages of life; childhood, youth, adulthood and old age, would be presented in “unit” operations, where there would be one focus, specifically a body part. For example, we imagined to capture the tiny stubble scraped off an elderly man’s jaw by the blade of a shaver or a child devouring a meal. We sought to delve into the nature of lifestages in micro units of behaviour and conversation as a way to give voice to simple, candid activities of the everyday. Fundamental to engaging with this idea, came to be an application of Mason’s ideas, to ‘broaden and deepen sensitivities to notice different aspects of our practice’. There was certain intentionality in our “noticings” of these small, even banal everyday activities.”

Another great inspiration for the final assessment in making the korsakow film. I thought the idea was amazing. Just by filming hands and they can interpret so much meaning. We all use our hands in our everyday lives and sometimes the slightest movement we make we do not notice it. The way they shot it was very cinematic as well. The depth of field makes it feel so artistic.

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