© 2014 cheeweihenryheng

From Sam

I’m just going to add on what was mentioned by Sam

As a strategy to facilitate spaces for engagement and openness of interpretation, the list is an approach that permits a sense of cohesion at the same time as it increases the gap between project elements. It is a shape that evokes the fragmentation of experience and can potentially accommodate distracted or absorbed modes of spectatorship. The list as a structuring device in creative screen based documentary is a formal approach that also speaks of the infinite possibilities in combining and making connections across a networked field of elements. Components are gathered and assembled according to a logic that may be thematic, topical, place based or conceptual (to name just a few possibilities) but the relationship between parts is kept loose. (Frankham, 2013, p.138)

“Basicly what she means here is that lists offer a minimal amount of grouping and organisation by the author of a work, therefore there is more room for the audience to create meaning. The Audience then takes this loose network in order to construct their own narrative;”

Every audience has their way of interpreting meanings, and I’m just going to repost a picture again.


As was mentioned in the previous one, to a Christian, it means it hurts God himself if you’re destroying yourself as He created us in his image and to the atheist, it means breaking their own spirit if they’re messing around with their physical self.

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